Friday, November 21, 2008

I went walking today

Chris picked me up this morning, took me to the health club and we walked around the track for a about a half hour. I think we walked a little over a mile. It felt good. Chris wouldn't let me walk fast, but that's okay, I'll walk a little faster next time. Mom was at the club in an exercise class...I wonder if she planned that. It's funny, the world is really small Mom was in class and Chris' mom was exercising right next to her.

Chris took me back home. She offered to take me to an appointment on Monday morning and I'm going to take her up on it. I have to have what's called a MUGA scan. It looks at the heart to determine if the heart is healthy enough because one of the side affects of one of the chemo drugs is heart problems. I called to schedule the scan and found out that I will need another IV. I guess I just have to get used to it, but I should was dismayed to hear that another IV is required. Oh well.

Later my friend Dorothy picked myself and Nona up for lunch. Nona was T-boned in a car accident a few months ago and is having some health issues as well. Dorothy took us to her house for lunch. She has a lovely home. She set an elegant table for us. We had chicken and crab meat salad on a bed of lettuce with crackers and a slice of cantaloupe and grapes. It made me feel pretty special. After lunch we spent hours talking about everything and nothing. It was a good day and nice to be out.

When I came home, Tyler had lots of news to tell me about possible recruitement opportunities including a coach who would like to stop in to visit her tomorrow. I know she wants to go to a warm climate but with my health and finances what is I hope she will get a scholarship and can be happy where ever she goes and that she does well.

I talked to both of the girls about keeping the house clean and helping out more. It's disappointing to me that they don't step up to the plate more. Hopefullyl, they will grow and at least try to understand what's happening with me and help out more. They are both really spoiled; I guess that's my fault. However, I was spoiled growing up and yet I understood when my mother needed help. We kept the house clean, cleaned my mother's room and ran bath water for her when we knew she was on her way home. I have talked to the girls every night about cleaning the's an on going discussion that I seem to be having with myself. Here it is tonigt at midnight and I'm still telling them to get the kitchen cleaned. I pray that I don't get sick on chemo because I'm truly worried about being here with the two of them becasue they are focused on them. I'll kept praying. I don't have the energy to fight.

Hopefully, I will get my hair done in the morning. I think I'm going to go ahead and get it cut. I need to start shopping for wigs or scarves or something.

I still have thoughts of why this is happening...can somebody tell me...what's up with this. Anyway, today was a good day.

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