Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yesterday I went in for my scans. I had a bone scan and a scan of the chest, stomach, and kidneys. The scans were not bad. The worst of it was getting an IV. The IV was started for the Scan of the chest, stomach, and kidney. A radioactive dye was injected via the IV for the bone scan. I then had to wait three hours before the scan was actually done. In the mean time the scan of the chest, stomach and kidneys was done. During the scan another dye was injected via the IV that made me feel warm and like I was urinating on myself. But I promise I was not urinating! I laid on my back on a table with a pillow under my heard, it was a little uncomfortable because I still have drainage tubes in my back. It took approx. 20 minutes. Then I was off to the lab for blood work. That went pretty smooth and then back to Nuclear Medicine for the Bone Scan. Again I laid on another table. The Radiology Tech helped me to lay down and placed me in the machine as he explained to me how the scan works. He shared with me that his step Mom had been diagnoised with stage three breast cancer about a year ago. He told me that she like me, was very active, watched her diet, and got all of her scheduled yearly exams. He said it's amazing how so many people who are not healthy, overwieght, highblood pressure, etc come in with clear scans no cancers and others like myself and his step Mom have cancer. One would think from this story that the healthy kick is not worth prolonging life, or at lease life without Cancer. Anyway when it was over, I met a nurse who was an eleven year survivor. She actually had triple negative breast cancer which is the progressive breast cancer that most black women get. She offered me her phone number in the event I ever needed to vent or just needed someone to listen. It is amazing how many noursiing and helpful people I have met along the way.

Mom and I went out to eat after, we had a nice quiet meal as we did some reading the various new drugs approved by the FDA for breast cancer.

Later JoAnne and Joyce came by to visit. JoAnne has been helping me out in every way. Joyce came by too. I was glad she came by. She called to ask if it was okay, because she was concerned that I may not want to see anyone. As I've said many times before, everyone has to handle this in their own way, even me. As I get better, I realize I'm the same me, but I'm growing as a result of this journey, but it's just the beginning so I'm holding on.

I get the results next week. I'm praying that there's nothing more.

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