Monday, May 11, 2009

The Morning of Surgery

Well I woke up this morning, thanking God for another day. I will be leaving for the hospital around 9:30 this morning. I feel ok, prayed about the surgery and for all of the medical professionals that will be a part of surgery. I've given to God, it's really all I can do. I feel ok. I had to think about what to wear this morning. I am going to have the drainage tubs again (that I am not looking forward to) so I had to make sure that I wear a shirt that I could slip my arms into (nothing that needs to go over my head). The incision will be under my arm. Hopefully it won't be too painful because I have a lot things I would like to get done this week. It's called living!

Mrs. Washington came by to give me a hug, love, encouragement and support before going to surgery this morning. Then I received a call from Joanne, her Mom has been diganoised with lung cancer on top of heart disease. JoAnne is one of the strongest people I know and this morning she was in tears and sounded very much like a little girl. It broke my heart. I didn't tell her I had surgery today, I will try to call her this evening when I get home. I pray that all goes well with her and her mom. I need to be there for her, so I have to focus on getting back. Please pray for Joanne and her Mom.

Holla at yall later today I hope. Baby Sister is here,...gotta go.

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